
Great Car

Greatness On The Road

Taking the Road Less Traveled

Taking the Road Less Traveled

Going on a long road trip instead of the plane? There’s much in store for you when taking a road trip – you see the sights and meet new people, unlike the jet that cruises the clouds where there’s nothing there to entertain you but movie reruns and airline food. You’ll miss your hip flask and the pub drinks just to put you to sleep in one long boring flight.

There’s More Excitement on Road Trips

Going on a road trip that takes hours or even a few days can be taxing, especially if you’re doing the driving. The only consolation are the drinks within your reach, your hip flask or cooler beside you. But there’s more to the road trip than sipping your beer when you want to catch the sunset during those cross-country road trips from the US to Canada.

One of the interesting road trips you can plan is the trip from Maine to Quebec. There are scenic vistas along the way, which you’ll miss on an ordinary jet flight. One is the Old Canada Road Scenic Byway which was the route of ancient travelers.

The US segment (Rt 201) is a winding road bordering the Kennebec River, Dead River, and Wyman Lake. You have a day to enjoy the scenic byway, something you’ll never experience if you don’t take to the road again. Along this route, there are several recreational spots where you can stop for a drink or two.

Along the Way

The next stop would be Catarunk in Maine where you can head to the famous Appalachian Trail. To enjoy the experience, set your foot on the trail and hike along the way and luxuriate in the scenic sights and breathe in the fresh air. The experience is just exhilarating and gives you a connection to the past and to Mother Nature.

Other places that can fill your travel diary are the picturesque villages of Solon and Bingham and the allure of Moxie Falls. In summer, join the throng lining up for river-rafting trips from Jackman to Moose River and in winter have fun snowmobiling in powdery snow. If you’re not the type for physically draining activities, you can sit back and relax and take pictures of the surroundings.

Other Roads To Take

If you’re planning a summer getaway do something out of the ordinary, here are other trails to try out:

* The Silk Road in China

* Machu Pichu Trail of the lost Incan world

* Georgian Caucasus in Tbilisi between Turkey and Russia

* Walk the Swiss villages

* China to Kazachstan route

* The Route to Olympus traveled by ancient athletes

With air travel usurping road travel, people are missing out on the wonders of the ancient routes. For your next adventure, you can start in your own backyard before you take on the world. But like any travel overseas, prepare your travel papers and get your shots in advance within the prescribed period.

Traveling the road less taken will take you to places where the medieval collides with the modern times. Nothing can describe the satisfaction you’ll get from the experience. How about experiencing the life of a nomad on the Sahara deserts? Or savoring the thrill of the hunter in the wilds of Africa? Or enjoy the benign safety of the metropolis in Fiji? Whatever your choice, the roads less taken will give you the experience of a lifetime.