
Great Car

Greatness On The Road

Real Carbon Fiber Hoods Verses Vinyl Hoods

Real Carbon Fiber Hoods Verses Vinyl Hoods

Many benefits are associated with carbon fiber hoods. This material is lightweight, strong and very durable. By replacing your original hood with this lightweight material, you can increase your vehicle’s performance considerably. The vehicle will accelerate faster and brake easier. It can also increase fuel efficiency because the vehicle will be lighter. Now you know a few of the reasons why racecar drivers install them on their racecars.

You can create many different looks when you add one of these hoods to your vehicle. One thing most everyone will agree on is that adding a hood made from carbon fiber to your vehicle will make it stand out in a good way. It will certainly get you noticed in a crowd.

Customization and Durability

When it comes to durability, it’s one of the strongest materials available today but the lightweight material makes it easy to handle. Most of these hoods are coated with layers of UV protection to prevent fading from the sun, rain, ice and snow but customization is what gets most of the attention. You can customize these hoods to suit your individual needs no matter what you’re looking for. You can be dramatic, mysterious or portray your personality in a very unique way.

You can change the color of your hood with this vinyl or add logos, advertisements, patterns and designs to your hood. You can turn your dull ordinary vehicle into the dream car you always wanted. Carbon fiber hoods are very popular but they are very expensive, too. This makes it difficult for someone on a tight budget to afford one but you can still have that same great look without the expense.

Carbon Fiber Vinyl Hoods

A vinyl carbon fiber hood can provide you with the same great look as the real thing but it cost much less. When you wrap a regular hood with this vinyl, it will mimic the 3D look of the real thing and it will be hard to tell the difference between the two.

Carbon fiber vinyl has many benefits, too. It is also very durable and it will protect your hood against chips, nicks and scratches that occur with regular driving. It contains a UV protection to help prevent fading so it will look great for years with proper care. You can choose a textured vinyl or most any design or pattern you desire so there are a wide variety of options available.

You can find a real carbon fiber hood already designed and ready to use for many vehicles from the Mercedes to the Nissan but if you choose the vinyl instead of the real thing, it can be put on any hood regardless of what make and model you have. You won’t have to search for the perfect fit or worry about finding what you need.

Carbon fiber hoods are a wonderful addition to any vehicle and it will increase the value of your car, truck or van. If you want the look these hoods provide without the expense, consider vinyl instead. It makes a great substitute.