
Great Car

Greatness On The Road

Razor Dune Buggy – Hot Toy Or Waste Of Money?

Razor Dune Buggy – Hot Toy Or Waste Of Money?

If you are a parent or grandparent trying to find that perfect gift to get Johnny or Jenny off the couch and outside, this article on the Razor Dune Buggy could give you some great information in making that choice. I had a tough time finding good comprehensive info when I was searching online, so I know what you are going through. I hope I can shed some light on whether this kid’s dune buggy lived up to the hype or not.

OK. I admit it. My son is a complete car, truck and train nut. Any time we see road construction, he just about hyperventilates with excitement. He has been begging me for years to get him a motorized car or other vehicle that he could actually drive himself. He was not satisfied with being the passenger. He wanted to control the action himself. We got him a small electric ride-on toy when he was 3 or 4 years old which he grew out of pretty quickly. He was chomping at the bit to move up to a gas-powered vehicle that can reach pretty high speeds, but there was no way I would go for that at his age. Not to mention the fact that the gas powered go-karts and dune buggies can cost an arm and a leg. No thanks!

One of our neighbors had a Razor Dune Buggy which was the most popular toy with the kids on our street. My son tried it out and I had the opportunity to see if he could control it safely. I was pleasantly surprised by how easily he got the hang of driving this toy. We decided to get this for him as a birthday gift and what hit it turned out to be.

Here is what we thought about Razor Dune Buggies:

One the Plus Side

  1. This electric dune buggy was delivered to our house fully assembled in the box except for the safety flag which just had to be inserted in its slot.
  2. We were able to get a 30 minute ride out of the battery when the dune buggy first arrived (According to the instructions though we should have fully charged the battery before using it. We would have gotten a longer ride out of it the first time.)
  3. Light weight construction so it is easy for kids to maneuver and mom and dad to move around.
  4. Takes up very little space since it can be stored vertically against a wall.
  5. Easy for kids to learn to drive (depending on age).
  6. Goes fast enough (10 mph) to be fun but still safe.
  7. Low center of gravity so it won’t tip over easily.

On the Minus Side

  1. The safety flag is black and I would have preferred it to be orange or yellow for better visibility.
  2. Since this dune buggy go kart is so low to the ground, driving on streets with car traffic and no adult supervision could be a safety concern.
  3. The hand brakes may be hard for younger children to learn to use.

As always, make sure your kids wear a helmet to protect those little noggins when driving the Razor Dune Buggy.