
Great Car

Greatness On The Road

Pros and Cons of MP3 FM Transmitter

Pros and Cons of MP3 FM Transmitter

MP3 FM transmitter. If you want to enjoy your MP3 music player in your car, there are a number of ways to accomplish this goal. However, you could be limited by the basic design of your car’s stereo system. If it lacks a cassette player, you won’t be able to use most car kits. If you don’t have an extra port, you won’t be able to attach an adapter cable. The question remains: how do you hook your digital mp3 player up effectively? One of your final choices is an MP3 FM transmitter. However, these are not necessary always going to be the best choices.

How MP3 FM transmitter Work

An MP3 FM transmitter works in a pretty straightforward manner. Basically, they send the music to your existing car system over any open FM channel. You just need to place the transmitter on your player (make sure you choose one designed for your specific model) and locate it somewhere in the vehicle where you should be able to pick up a strong signal. That’s often near your antenna.

The Advantages of MP3 FM transmitter

Obviously, the biggest plus of this system is that you can finally listen to music through your existing stereo mp3 speaker and you don’t have to carry around your entire library of CDs in the car anymore. You also don’t have to worry about replacing your existing system because all stereos include FM radios so this method is probably going to work, in that regard, with any vehicle. Another advantage is that some of these can also be wireless which means you don’t have to worry if your car is also lacking a lighter (the port normally used for powering these added devices).

The Disadvantages of MP3 FM transmitter

While in some cases, this might be the only option available you might want to consider it only as a last resort if other choices are available. Part of the reason is the sound quality is rarely all that good. You’ve heard FM stations before so you probably have some idea of what to expect. Plus, if you live in a bigger city with a lot of stations being used, you might have to struggle to find a free channel.

Another disadvantage is that in many spots you are going to lose the signal altogether. This is most common when you’re passing tall structures and going into valleys. The lost signal problem can be quite annoying especially when it occurs frequently.

If you do want to use an MP3 with FM transmitter for your portable mp3 player in the car, be sure to read some reviews and find the best one available. The cheaper models are going to deliver a great deal less in terms of performance so you want to steer clear of them. Also, you’ll be less likely to find wireless options. Some of these transmitters will also work with your existing home stereo as well which might be a nice feature if you want a way to listen to your music indoors, too.