
Great Car

Greatness On The Road

How-to Select & Install a Custom Motorcycle Gas Tank

How-to Select & Install a Custom Motorcycle Gas Tank

A custom motorcycle gas tank is one of the most important things you will need for your custom motorcycle. Its the piece on your bike that will be first noticed, so make sure you get a good paintjob.

Picking out a gas tank should be relatively easy based on what you are looking for. When looking for the proper motorcycle gas tank you will want to think convenience, reliability and looks.

Essentially, the bigger your custom motorcycle gas tank is, the less you will need to fill-up and the more cool paint you can use. The less you stop the more you enjoy the ride. There are plenty of options for a custom motorcycle gas tank that you can choose from. There are many motorcycle gas tank styles that can be built or purchased to suit your requirements. One of the many kinds of tanks that are available for your motorcycle (or chopper) are stretch tanks. Stretch tanks resemble exactly what their name implies. The stretch tank is a bit longer and stretched so it looks cooler, follows the lines off your bike and flows better.

Usually you can find these types of gas tanks in many sizes 2″, 3″or 5″ stretch and you can always weld some extensions to make it fit your ride or mold it directly into the frame rails or oil tank.

These custom motorcycle gas tanks are a blend of old and new gas tanks, and are an excellent choice that can perform nearly anything you want your custom motorcycle to be capable of attaining.

Then there are custom “Radical” style tanks. These tanks look great on any showbike but usually do not hold as much gas so be prepared to stop more often. You should also be prepared to discuss your bike with those around you as you pump your fuel. These are eye catching style tanks, sure to make that minivan driver remember when he wanted nothing but his bike and his girl.

There are also tons of other tanks, Sportster tanks, King tanks, Mustang tanks, Dyna tanks, Fatbob tanks, peanut tanks, bobber tanks, coffin tanks, chopper tanks. They come with a variety of gas cap styles: flush caps, pop-up caps, aircraft-style and and and… its endless.

All tanks should be mounted for proper fitment, then removed, cleaned and sealed on the inside and pressure tested before painting to prevent leaks. Again, there are may ways of sealing the tank but no matter how you do it, it must be done.

Also when mounting your tank do not stress any of the mounting tabs when tightening down the tank. This can cause cracking of the finish and weakening of the mounting tabs. Check all the mounts and fuel line fittings before filling with fuel.

An in-line fuel filter is always a good idea with any fuel system. Don’t just trust the screen around your petcock to keep any dirt out of your carburetor.

Now you pick out a tank that fits your needs.

Ride safe and don’t run out of gas!