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Homeowners Insurance Quote Summary: A Few Important Things to Look for and Consider in a Policy

Homeowners Insurance Quote Summary: A Few Important Things to Look for and Consider in a Policy

Homeowners insurance can be quite complex, but you can simplify it somewhat with the right resources. The first thing to understand when searching for a homeowners insurance quote is what exactly it will cover. Typically, a policy breaks down to cover your home’s structure as well as any other structure on your property, your liability for any other person’s injuries sustained on your property, and many of your personal belongings, such as furniture.

Some policies might offer coverage for more, while some might offer coverage for less. It’s important to keep this in mind when doing research and comparing policies. Make sure you’re not comparing apples to oranges. For instance, Policy 1 might be $40 cheaper every month than Policy 2, but as you read the details about each, you might find that Policy 2 offers more coverage, deductible options, or maybe in both.

Read about each and every insurance provider as well to learn more about them and how they operate. What are other customers saying about them? Have there been a lot of complaints in the past? Do a lot of people seem unsatisfied with the claims process with a particular company? These are red flags that you’ll definitely want to keep an eye out for.

If you’re a younger homeowner, it might be worthwhile to look for a homeowners insurance quote with a “millennial approach”. This means that everything can be done over a mobile app or PC. The application process, account access, payments, claims processing, customer support, etc. should all be done quickly over the internet.

Crime Rate Effect on Your Homeowners Insurance Quote

If you live in a neighborhood with a high crime rate, or have a lot of valuables that you are worried about getting stolen, then make sure your policy includes personal property theft coverage. This way, you’ll be reimbursed should those valuables get stolen. With some specific items, the protection is covered regardless of where it is physically located. For instance, if it gets lost or stolen while you are on vacation, you still might get reimbursed. Also, some home insurance providers offer discounts on payments if you make your property “theft-proof” by adding extra security features.

Speaking of discounts, most insurance providers will consider lowering the rates a bit if your property comes with things that will better protect it from the elements, such as a sprinkler system, durable hurricane-proof windows, a newer, reinforced roof, updated plumbing system, and so forth.

The one place to begin your search for a homeowners insurance quote is Lemonade. It offers a fast-claims processing system and super low rates. Its unique system is definitely worth checking out. While you’re at it, take a look at Lemonade Insurance discounts to find out how you can save on home insurance.