
Great Car

Greatness On The Road

Great Gifts For Men – The Ducati Motorcycle Pen & the Krone Tarzan Limited Edition Pen

Great Gifts For Men – The Ducati Motorcycle Pen & the Krone Tarzan Limited Edition Pen

My husband is always threatening to get a motorcycle. He is always talking about his dream of taking to the open road on his Ducati, cool leather jacket and boots on, seeing the country with the wind blowing through his hair.

I myself am not a huge motorcycle fan. I have nothing against the bikes themselves or Ducati for that matter. I have a problem with the safety factor. You know… there are two types of people riding motorcycles; the ones that have been in an accident and the ones who will be in an accident. “According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2008, 5,290 people died in motorcycle crashes, the highest level since NHTSA began collecting data in 1975. The 2008 figure represents a 2.2 percent increase from 5,174 the previous year.” Another horrible statistic “The fatality rate per registered vehicle for motorcyclists in 2008 was 6 times the fatality rate for passenger car occupants, according to NHTSA.”

With two sons to raise, I am just not too keen on the Ducati idea. I love my husband and in addition to being around for the kids I would like to grow old with him. However I do want him to be happy too, have a full life and have his dreams fulfilled. If that means getting a Ducati, I would like for him to at least hold off on the motorcycle for another 10 years, when the boys are adults themselves.

Thus the perfect gifts for him and other motorcycle enthusiasts: the Ducati 850 Series Fountain Pen, Ballpoint Pen and Rollerball Pen. “The Ducati 850 pens are inspired by the models created by Borgo Panigale. These pens have an aluminum body which is covered in lacquer. The caps have a one of a kind clip and are highlighted by chrome accents. Along with the balanced weight these pens are definitely unique and do the Ducati name proud.”….I know, not the coveted motorcycle but at least my husband will have a reminder of that future dream and he can brag to his friends that one of his birthday gifts was a Ducati!)

Another great gift idea for the men in your life, The Krone Tarzan Limited Edition Pen. As I mentioned earlier I have two sons and during their formative years I read many books to them. One in particular stands out in my mind, one that I read over and over in one form or another, Tarzan.

To this day, Tarzan is still both my son’s favorite literary character and my guess is they are not alone. Walking down the street you would be hard pressed to find anyone that wasn’t intimately familiar with this legendary “ape man”.

Hollywood capitalized on the impact Tarzan had with the common man, according to Wikipedia over 89 movies with Tarzan in the title were made between 1918 and 2008. Some of these movies were well done, others not so….however, in my opinion, no cinematic recreation could replace the excitement my boys and I felt, while entrenched in the jungle of our mind, reading the classic novel Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

To honor this great fictional writer, who went on to write over two dozen Tarzan books, Krone has created a superb handcrafted writing instrument called The Krone Edgar Rice Burrough’s Tarzan pen.

Some of the exquisite details of this pen include “a cap that is meticulously hand-painted with a leopard design. Jungle vines that are three-dimensionally sculpted around the bronze clip. There are two bands at the base of the cap; one in African Wenge wood and the other in bronze, engraved with Edgar Rice Burrough’s signature. The Barrel is hand painted in rich vintage colors and depicts the infamous scene of Tarzan swinging through the jungle carrying Jane under one arm. The blind cap is also in Wenge wood. Accompanying each pen is an authentic bronze African money bracelet circa 1800 A.D. These African money bracelets were used for commerce during that time in addition to being worn as a display of wealth. Although originally shiny bronze in color, they have developed a unique patina over time. Available in a worldwide Limited Edition of 388 fountain pens and 38 rollerballs, both with bronze accents. (The Fountain Pen is a piston fill.)