
Great Car

Greatness On The Road

Building Your Own Car Audio System

Building Your Own Car Audio System

If you are looking for a killer car audio system and would like to build your own then there are some things to keep in mind. Building your own system can be very gratifying but very challenging as well. Many audio components are designed for certain vehicles which can make it difficult to get them into the spaces you want them to occupy. It will be totally up to you as to whether you want to replace a few of the various components as you can or if you want to do the entire thing at once. 

Your receiver (or head unit as they are also called) is the first thing you must consider. You can many times keep your factory issued receiver. The down side to this is that it may or may not, with the emphasis being on the may not, is that many factory issue receivers do not come equipped with pre-amp outputs. This means that you could not use external amplifiers unless you use speaker level to line level converters.  The down side to this is that you can lose a good deal of the sound quality. Another point to keep in mind is that the chassis size of the car audio system receiver can make a difference as to the receiver you can use. Two of the main units sold today include both come in standard and oversized models. The correct name for a standard sized stereo is referred to as a single DIN. The oversized receiver models are referred to as either a double or 1.5 DIN. The last thing to think about as far as your receiver is concerned is whether you want to have one that comes with a CD player, Mp3 capability or even Bluetooth capability.    

The down side to this is that you can lose a good deal of the sound quality. Another point to keep in mind is that the chassis size of the car audio system receiver can make a difference as to the receiver you can use. Two of the main units sold today include both come in standard and oversized models. The correct name for a standard sized stereo is referred to as a single DIN. The oversized receiver models are referred to as either a double or 1.5 DIN. The last thing to think about as far as your receiver is concerned is whether you want to have one that comes with a CD player, Mp3 capability or even Bluetooth capability.    

The next pieces of equipment to consider are the subwoofers. If you are looking to install subs in your vehicle you will need to make sure you have the correct amount of space for the ones you wish to install. Subwoofers will need to be contained in an enclosure when installed. There are some manufacturers who sell their subwoofers and enclosures already which can make this step a good deal easier.

Next are your car audio system speakers. Without a great set of speakers your new components will not be worth a thing. You must take into account several different options including the shape, size and location of your other components. Another important factor is what sort of placement you want for your speakers. For the best sound possible you should consider placing speakers in the rear, center, and front of your vehicle. It is possible that some of these will need to have an enclosure installed around them as well. This will help to prevent potential damage.

The last element to take care of is your amplifier. It is possible you may need an external amp to cover the power needs of the subwoofer since it can use a good deal more juice. Also, your receiver may or may not come equipped with onboard amps. Now that you have an idea what is involved you are all set. Whether you install your own car audio system or have someone else install it you will soon have a great sounding system to be proud of. Enjoy!