Are you suffering from Lyme disease?
If you have ever wondered what Lyme disease is and how you can treat it then listen closely. Bee pollen and Lyme disease do go together although they don’t come together, because people are using pollen to help them overcome their symptoms and live a somewhat normal life.
Lyme disease can be deadly when not treated effectively and those who have long term bouts have experienced better results when using pollen to treat it.
What is Lyme Disease?
To better understand why pollen is effective in treating people with this disease, it’s important to understand where this disease comes from and what it does to the human body.
Lyme disease is transferred via a tick bite, and the disease is a bacterial infection. Lyme disease can affect the joints, your skin, and will begin to penetrate the vital organs. There are phases to this disease, and often doctors have a tough time diagnosing it in the beginning as the symptoms mimic other conditions and diseases.
How Pollen Can Help Combat Lyme Disease
So, now that you know a bit about pollen you will have a better understanding of how pollen can help treat this disease effectively.
This disease obviously starts to destroy the immune system as it affects so many areas of the body. Pollen is a vitamin rich super food that can help boost the immune system, restoring balance to what has been disturbed.
The Antioxidant Factor of Pollen Treating Lyme Disease
Those who are getting great benefits from pollen are experiencing this antioxidant rich dust in a whole new way.
Research has shown that pollen is rich in antioxidants which are helpful in many areas including slowing down the aging process, as well as building new healthy cells and repairing those that are damaged.
These antioxidants not only help to repair the cells, but they can help when it comes to repairing tissues as well.
Bee Venom and Lyme Disease
There is also a theory going around that says that bee venom is helpful in treating this disease. Bee venom and pollen are two different things, so it’s important to point that out.
Those who have allergic reactions to bee stings don’t necessarily have an allergy to pollen, so that will give you some ideas as why they don’t affect people in the same way.
Some claim that through the use of bee stings that they are able to overcome the negative effects of this disease to the point where they feel as though they have been healed completely.
No one can claim to have the magic cure for this disease or any other disease for that matter; however there are plenty of patients that have experienced the healing power of pollen as well as the bee venom for their bout with this disease.
What a patient claims cannot be contested, and it just proves that there are different strokes for different folks.
Now that you know more about pollen and how powerful it is, what is your plan to treat your ailments today?
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